Wellness Lifestyle Challenge - 2020

Time to Get to Work!

The Wellness Lifestyle Challenge is Friendship's most popular way to get kick started on meaningful habit change. You will focus on one primary area of habit development: sleep, nutrition, drinking (soda, alcohol, coffee additives, water, etc.), screen time, relationship time, mindset work or meditation and exercise habits, or choose your own thing to work on with your coach. You will complete a pre-challenge screening, and use that to establish an accountability plan with a coach. Now, let's talk about the two levels of service you can choose from:


$199 for 6-weeks OR $99 if currently enrolled in Nutrition Accountability Coaching.

In the Premium service option you will begin with a private 1-on-1 session with your accountability coach. You will lay out the habit you are looking forward to changing the most, and establish objective success metrics along with a plan for attacking them. Your coach will give you guidance and resources to achieve success. Then each week you will check in with your coach on your personal scorecard to measure your success, and adjust anything that isn't going according to plan.

On top of this you will have the opportunity to meet with other challengers for workouts and break out sessions based on your stated goals. People working on nutrition can get together and share recipes, discuss meal planning/prepping and more! Receiving the accountability from other community members is very powerful, and can be a major added benefit as well.



$99 for 6-weeks or $Free if currently enrolled in Nutrition Accountability Plan.

The standard plan is fantastic if you have already had success in the habit change area that you seek to improve, you already have that plan and just need to tighten things back up. Maybe you've had a nutrition plan in the past that worked really well, but you just stopped following it around the Holidays Life happens, things get crazy and motivation can come and go -- if that has happened to you and you're looking for that reason to get things dialed back in, this challenge can be that catalyst to help with that.

You will lay out the habit you are looking forward to changing the most, and establish objective success metrics along with a plan for attacking them. Then each week you will check in with your coach on your personal scorecard to measure your success, and adjust anything that isn't going according to plan.


Hip Flexor Tightness- How Do I Fix This?


Podcast Ep. 93: Training Your Choices & Mindset When Times Are Good