2023 Generations Competition


2024 Competitive Division Walkthrough

2024 Competitive Division Events

1) AmRap12:

Row 30/20 Cals30 C&J 135/95

10 Team Synchro Burpees

Row 30/20 Cals

20 C&J 155/105

10 Team Synchro Burpees

Row 30/20 Cals

15 C&J 185/125

10 Synchro Burpees

Max C&J @ 205/135 in Remaining Time

Max Row Cals in Remaining Time

*Each Partner Must Row Once*

**Can swap freely in last station*

Rest 6:00

2) In 5-Mins Complete:

P1: 30-20-10 T2B: (3-2-1 -- Sled Pull + Push)

P2: 21 Pull-ups, 15 CtB, 9 Bar MU (3-2-1 Sled Pull + Push)

P3: 100 Singles, 50 DUs, 15 40/32" PVC Jump Overs (3-2-1 Sled Pull + Push)

Rest 4:00

3) For time each athlete completes:

Run 400m

20 Front Squats 135-155-185 // 95/105/125

18/12 Cals Echo

**Next athlete can leave for the run once athlete in front TAGS**

Cap 14mins

Rest 6:00

3 Rounds:

8 Syncho Sandbag Shoulders

4 HS Walks (Team) - 15'

Cap @ 6:00

1-Min Transition Time

3 Rounds:

15 Synchro DB OH Step-Back Lunges

5 Rope Climbs (Team)

Cap @ 6:00

2024 Recreational Division Walkthrough

2024 Recreational Division Events

1) AmRap12:

Row 30/20 Cals30 C&J 95/65

10 Team Synchro Burpees

Row 30/20 Cals

20 C&J 115/75

10 Team Synchro Burpees

Row 30/20 Cals

15 C&J 135/85

10 Synchro Burpees

Max C&J @ 155/95 in Remaining Time

Max Row Cals in Remaining Time

*Each Partner Must Row Once*

**Can swap freely in last station*

Rest 6:00

2) In 5-Mins Complete:

P1: 30-20-10 Weighted Knee Tucks (20/15): (3-2-1 -- Sled Pull + Push)

P2: 25 Bar Rows, 15 Jumping Pull-ups, 10 Pull-ups (3-2-1 Sled Pull + Push)

P3: 60 Singles, 30 DUs, 15 28/20" PVC Jump Overs (3-2-1 Sled Pull + Push)

Rest 4:00

3) For time each athlete completes:

Run 400m

20 Front Squats 95-115-135 // 65-75-85

14/10 Cals Echo

**Next athlete can leave for the run once athlete in front TAGS**

Cap 14mins

Rest 6:00

3 Rounds:

10 Syncho Sandbag Shoulders 100/75/55 // 75/55/30

5 Wall Climbs

Cap @ 5:00

1-Min Transition Time

3 Rounds:

15 Synchro DB Goblet Step-Back Lunges 55-50-45 // 35-30-25

15 Parallette Shoot Thrus

Max Rope Climbs (Team) in remaining time

Cap @ 5:00

2023 Results