Butts and Guts: Week 3


For Week 2, please go here: https://friendshipfitness.com/blog/butts-and-guts-week-2-2/

Week 3 already?!  Hopefully you guys have had a chance to get the previous workouts in (if not...you still can!),  have tried some new movements, and felt some good soreness! 😉Remember to tag us in your Butts & Guts posts (@friendshipfitnessohio and #buttsandguts) for a chance at winning a prize each week! & join us Saturday at 9:30am for a 30 min class!  $5 to drop in if not currently a Friendship Client! Warm-Up:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Od5IcrB9_og10 Toe Taps each leg10 Single leg bridges with knee hug10 Side leg raises10 second crunch hold Work-out:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MffAYx6gogsCore Chipper30 wiggles30 knee bends30 upper body arch ups hands behind head30 lower body arch ups30 full body side crunches each side30 alternating oblique crunches30 swimmers30 knee tap kick backs each side 2 times through as able! Key Points:-all warm-up items should be done with control!  -keep shoulder blades lifted on the wiggles-feet stay together on upper & lower body arch ups-stay completely on your side with side crunches, this is NOT a big movement-keep your elbow on the ground with oblique crunchesNutrition Add Don’t SubtractOne of the easiest things you can do to start changing your nutrition for the better is ADDING in foods rather them taking them away. If you begin your weight-loss journey by eliminating foods right away, you aren’t very likely to make any solid changes or worse, you’ll quit altogether. Unfortunately, diet culture has many people thinking they need to take away food in order to reach their goals when this is simply not true. Try adding in an apple with your lunch or packing healthy goodies like grapes or cherry tomatoes as an afternoon snack. Sneak in extra veggies into homemade soups or stews. Be mindful of overall calories though!  


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