The Benefits of Gymnastics Instruction & Seminar Info


So I don’t think it’s any secret that I love gymnastics! I love being strong, knowing I can control by body, and that feeling you get when you work hard on something and feel it pay off!  I also love that I can use my love (and knowledge) of gymnastics to help other people feel these same things! I started hosting seminars years ago because I see it as a HUGE opportunity to help people move better, stay healthier, and improve not only their CrossFit gymnastics skills, but see a huge carryover to lifting as well. Success in all gymnastics skills and almost all lifting, especially Olympic lifting, requires a good understanding of how to control your body.  Let’s take a pull-up for example. A big goal for lots of people! By working proper shapes you will have a stronger pull-up that will transfer to chest-to-bar and maybe even a muscle-up if you want it to, but I also know that by working those proper shapes you will have a better understanding of how to use your body correctly along with stronger shoulders and core which will undoubtedly lead to better lifting. In a typical class structure there are demonstrations and short instruction on how to do all these things correctly, but impossible to truly go over all of the reasoning and steps to get there  in that setting. That’s where these seminars come in! Dedicated time to work on teaching all of these things correctly! You will have an opportunity to practice each drill and get cueing to help you with your specific problem.  This also serves as an excellent opportunity for coaches to learn how to help their athletes and give the best cueing possible. In the past seminars have covered a wide variety of things in 2 hours, so much that I thought it was best to split seminars this time to get more time on each part.  Here is what each will cover:Level 1:

  • Hollow shaping
  • Proper shoulder/scapular position
  • Accessory work (off the rig)
  • Sstrict pull-ups
  • Kipping mechanics
  • Kipping skills (toes to bar, pull-ups, chest to bar)
  • Handstands/headstands

Level 2:

  • Butterfly work
  • Ring and Bar muscle ups- and all the drills that go along with that
  • Handstand push-ups/walking

Everyone could benefit from the Level 1 seminar!  Athletes looking for their first pull up or toe to bar, injured athletes looking for scaling options and how to safely get back to rig work, coaches who want to learn better cueing and technique, competitors who have a breakdown in high level skill work...really everyone!  By having a goal and a plan to reach that goal you will surely crush your gymnastics (and probably lifting) goals  for 2019, and I would love to help with that! Next Seminar -- Level 1 Seminar December 15th 2:3-4:30pm @ Friendship Fitness & Nutrition, 6625 Reflections Dr., Dublin, OH 43017[button link="" type="big" newwindow="yes"] Get Tickets Here[/button]


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