Snack Options Delivered from Amazon


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Getting bored with your regular snacks? Looking to change up the pantry a bit? These days you may be choosing to order your groceries from the interwebs, which is very smart #StayHome. The Friendship Nutrition team compiled some favorite, macro friendly, snacks that you can have shipped directly from Amazon to your doorstep! 

We often get a lot of questions about what is considered “healthy snacking” and I think we can all agree that the less ingredients the better (and cleaner)! Not to mention, keeping an eye on sugar content both make for a better choice for you and your family. The following are just 10 of our favorite snacks for when we’re needing something crunchy, protein packed, or to curb that sweet tooth! Each snack is linked to Amazon, though this is not the only place to purchase these things. I’ve also included the macros for each item. Some are a balanced combination of all three macros and some are almost exclusively a single macro. 

I hope this helps you guys mix it up a bit!

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Enjoy Life Protein Bites 

220 cals

14g F

22g C

8g P

RX Nut Butter Variety Pack

190 cals

15g F

7g C

9g P

Pop Corners Variety Pack

120 cals

4g F

20g C

1g P

(varies depending on flavor)

Crunchy Rice Rollers

50 cal

0g F

11g C

<1g P

Chomps Free Range Turkey Sticks

60 cal

2.5g F

0g C

10g P

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Bada Bean Bada Boom Protein Snacks

100 cal

3g F

15g C

7g P

Veggie-Go’s Organic Fruit Leather

15 cal

0g F

5g C

0g P

Blue Diamond Cocoa Dusted Almond Packs

100 cal

8g F

6g C

3g P`

Hippeas Organic Chickpea Puffs

130 cal

5g F

17g C

4g P



Podcast Ep. 102: Testing Your Habits & Establishing New Ones


Podcast Ep. 101: Avoid the Comfort, Be a Victor, Not a Victim